Imperial GOV

Imperial GOV is a dedicated information system designed for local government institutions. It's goal is the informatization of administration units as well as other public sector institutions, which improves document circulation, easing communication between the community and institutions doing public work.


Our Imperial GOV system emerged on the basis of analysis of current market needs.


If the service specifications require, we will create it in accordance with WCAG standards. Their implementation guarantees access for the blind, visually impaired, physically disabled, the deaf, and those with various types of intellectual impairment. Beyond this, a service created in accordance with WCAG standards is more user-friendly for the elderly and those who aren't as capable at using the Internet.

Why it's worth choosing Imperial GOV

  • Conformed to WCAG 2.0
    The system fulfills WCAG 2.0 standards – entities realizing public tasks are often required to adapt internet services to WCAG 2.0 standards.  In order to accomplish this, we implement features such as: monochronic page versions, text reading functions, and the utilization of keyboard navigation.

  • The look of the portal

    We create modern portals, which are clear, easy to use and search for information, and accessible from all devices regardless of their resolution - and, on top of this we add elegant graphics in order to fulfill the expectations of current internet users.

  • Monochronic version

    In conforming the site to WCAG 2.0 standards, we include counterpart graphics that change the hues, removing distractions and increasing contrast - i.e. without unecessary graphics or, e.g. flickering elements.  We maintain the color contrasts of all elements displaying contents or functions.

  • Convenience for the disabled
    Text reading functions, alternative text addition, utilization of keyboard navigation, compact navigation, clear focus in all active elements - these are just a few of the basic functions we introduce to sites administrators want to be accessible to all its users.
  • The ability to integrate with your current software
    We also provide the ability to integrate with systems already used in your institution as well as expand the platform at any time according to current needs.

  • Search bar and information access
    The ease of searching for information on the site ensures the right configuration of the search engine available for the service users.

  • Right of access
    Thanks to the administor's complete freedom to divide rights, you can set particular areas where users can operate.  You can create groups of employees, and then organize them according to the sections they're able to manage information for.

  • Register changes
    The system allows you to view your change history - viewable at any time.  After logging in, you all see when the last log-ins occured and who logged in.  This allows you to check which of your employees introduced the lastest changes to the system.

Our Imperial GOV system ensures:

  • Publication of information for users on an information portal with the ability to fully manage it
  • Monitoring of work effectiveness
  • Employee presence / absence management
  • Document generation
  • Document circulation
  • Document management

Public Information Bulletin

The software contains an Internet Public Information Bulletin, a centralized Public Information access system. The Public Information System is implemented as a module complementing Imperial GOV – it can also be implemented as an independent panel for websites or portals.


The development of public information bulletins is dictated on an administrative-legal basis defining the kinds of information published in it on a given subject, such as:

  • Legal status or legal form
  • Organization
  • Operations and authorities
  • Bodies and people exercising functions and their authorities
  • Assetts (e.g. funds and their usage)
  • Mode of operation
  • Ways of receiving and settling matters
  • Information on registers, records and archives as well as methods and rules of accessing the data contained in them

Within the Imperial GOV platform we also design and implement internet portals and websites for administrative units.